Tuesday 30 July 2013

12 Random "Facts" About Me.

  1. I'm a messy person. 
  2. I break almost everything.
  3. I'm really clumsy ^.
  4. I can't go a day without listening to music, I wake up, music I eat music I'm about to sleep music.
  5. I like being in my room alone on Tumblr than go out and socialite. 
  6. I quite often shut myself out when someone talks to me so they have to repeat what they said. 
  7. I'm a good listener if it's like a friend talking to me about a problem I DO listen. 
  8. I hate how I look, yes I'm insecure.. 
  9. I love London, I haven't been there but it's my city in a way. I see my future there (if I have one..).
  10.  I love reading books than seeing the movie. Ok I like both but when you read the book it just idk how to explain this but I love reading. 
  11. I've never ever in  my life read or seen a Harry Potter book/movie. I've actually seen one movie and I kinda hated myself after it. My class made me see it and omg I hated it. Sorry... 
  12. I've been wearing glasses sense I was 6 or 7 years old. 

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