Wednesday 26 June 2013

Spring Breakers

I saw the movie "Spring Breakers" last week and I never wrote about it. Just wanna say that the movie sucked. I was so disappointed because the trailer was better than the whole movie!! How they made it was just bad and you didn't get the meaning of the movie and it was just really bad. Just ugh hah! I'm lucky that I didn't watch it in the cinema or else I would pay for nothing! I was looking forward this movie but sadly it was actually really bad! So if you wanna see it don't!! or I mean  do it if you want but I did not like it!!

And now about my day! After work me and my friend Elvira went to town and bought a gift to our friend Lua. It's her birthday on the 3th!! We're gonna celebrate her next week I think and I hope!!
Yeah we ate at maccas and now I'm home. I bought chocolate because idk I mean it's chocolate, and everyone likes it.


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