Saturday 29 June 2013

Stress and relief

I'm so stressed. I tough this summer was gonna be good without any stress. 
I don't have any time to do anything, I mean I work and then I only have the weekends and under the weekends I have to make time to my friends, my family and for me. Ofcourse I have time under the week but not so much as I really want!! But I only have one week left wich is good! Then I might have more time do to more stuff!! I really need some alone time!!!!!! I really do :(

Oh and some happy things now! I got in to the gymnasium I hoped I would get in!! The relief was amazing when I saw that.!  
So I begin school again at 19/8. 

Yah have a good day! Peace!!  

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Spring Breakers

I saw the movie "Spring Breakers" last week and I never wrote about it. Just wanna say that the movie sucked. I was so disappointed because the trailer was better than the whole movie!! How they made it was just bad and you didn't get the meaning of the movie and it was just really bad. Just ugh hah! I'm lucky that I didn't watch it in the cinema or else I would pay for nothing! I was looking forward this movie but sadly it was actually really bad! So if you wanna see it don't!! or I mean  do it if you want but I did not like it!!

And now about my day! After work me and my friend Elvira went to town and bought a gift to our friend Lua. It's her birthday on the 3th!! We're gonna celebrate her next week I think and I hope!!
Yeah we ate at maccas and now I'm home. I bought chocolate because idk I mean it's chocolate, and everyone likes it.


Tuesday 25 June 2013

Way in the World Unstripped

so so so tired. I can't sleep at nights, I can't function like usual under the day. I don't know whyy..? Yes it's summer and it always happen that you're up all night and sleeping all day (even if it's not summer I do that )
but I'm working so I can't sleep all day ugh.. I'm just tired.

And about my work, it was ONLY 4 kids and seriously I do almost nothing.. I'm glad that I don't need to do much but it doesn't feel like work and I want it to do!!

w/e Peace!!

Sunday 23 June 2013

I feel like lost.

Hi there! I don't have a clue onw hat to write.. I've been saying that for so long now and that's why I don't write so much on here, and because it's summer and nothing fun is happening in my life right now.
I can say that I'm pretty tired. I slept at 7 am and woke up at 11 am. A sleepless night for me, this weekend have made my sleep schedule so fucked up!! I hope I wake up at time for work on Monday! The work have been taking so much time from me even if I just work from 9-15 but heey that's the time in the day you really want to do something! And I really need to catch up with my friends omg I feel like lost.
Annoying!! But my plans for this day? nothing. I'm gonna continue watching Awkward season 3. Peace!!

Thursday 20 June 2013


Hello! Sorry for the bad blogging, but I've been working and then getting home and sleep haha! But this week have actually been really good. The kids I'm working with are so nice and the people are nice too!! And it's not so many kids soo perfect?? It's the last day for this week, (no work on Friday!!!!!) uhm yeah awkward because idk what to write now because I don't have anything to write. Ok haha. Peace!! 

Sunday 16 June 2013


I start my summer work tomorrow and I will be working for 3 weeks... I don't know how I will handle 3 weeks with kids... oh shit.. but I will get money, and thanks to that I'm okay with working haha! 
I start at 9 am. Nice. After that me and my siblings will go to my moms and celebrate her because it's her birthday! Yeah.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Graduation and many tears

I had my last day in school yesterday. I cried yes I did. I was so happy to graduate 9th grade and needing to step in to that school anymore, but I ended up crying because of all the people. I will miss them so much, my lovely teachers and my class.. sad moment there for me and allot of people! Well well after all the hugging and crying me and almost all people of my old (it's old now bc all ended :((( ) class and some frieds walked home well they went to town wile I went home but we took the same way so yeah. Oh I will miss them so much like I might never see those people again!!!! But I really want to keep being friends with all of them so we kinda really have to keep in touch. (I'm so sad don't wanna leave anyone!!!!!! )

And now it's summer break. My first day got spend ed by sleeping until 12-1 pm I REALLY NEEDED THAT SLEEP. I watched pitch perfect wile drinking some tea. It have been a rainy day...
I start summer work on Monday! And I can't even the way to the school I will be working at..? well well I will have to figure out how to get there, I start at 9 am. Not so exited but heeey I will get money!! I will be working for I think 2 or 3 weeks. Nice Nice.  Peace!!

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Hi!! I had my prom yesterday. It was good, much better than what I tough, it wasn't so bad it was fun actually. Well fun and fun only thing that was fun was to looking at all the people and how they danced. I danced a little, but with my friends, we were in the corner. haha! No it was fun and the food was okay, not as good as you wanted it to be but okay. I won a price for "the best presence" haha, I've actually been away from 9th grade for like 2 days maybe more... yeah same in 7th and 8th grade. To be honest I'm kinda always in school but I still suck and have bad grades... awesome!! :/

Now some pictures: 

 me and my bestie! 
I didn't turn out so good at all the pictures so that's why you only get one picture and gifs! 
me spinning around with my dress. 
I was bored when I made this gif. 
Now tomorrow is my last day as aa 9th grader. SUMMER BREAK TOMORROW BITCHESSSSS!!! 


Friday 7 June 2013


Sup, how are you all out there?

It's friday today and nothing planned right now.

I started to watch "Awkward" (it's a tv show that you should sheck out if you haven't) yesterday. I'm addicted now, haha I watched season 1, I slept really late hehe.
And now in the morning I've started to watch season 2! I'm half trough it hehe so that's kinda what I will be doing today? yeah I think so.

I've finally found a good show that I like! Now I'm gonna do some breakfast and continue on watching "Awkward" !!

Isn't he just asdfghjjkl; ?!?! Peace!!! 

Wednesday 5 June 2013


Tuesday: I got home at 4 pm and slept and I slept and slept I woke up 12 am!! And thanks to that I didn't sleep for the whole night! Haha I don't now how I even got trough today!

Wednesday: today, my last normal school day! It went so fast actually because I only had like two lessons? I was home at 1 pm! No school tomorrow and on Friday. Yes, I can sleep how much I want in the morning! 

I can't believe that I'm not gonna go in that school anymore, I'm kinda happy but sad. I will miss it somehow .. Ah don't wanna grow up don't wanna start gymnasium it's so scary! I just hope I come in at the gymnasium I want to go in to!! 

A little ladybug just decided to say hello to me by sitting on my jeans. 
I like ladybugs :)

Haha well peace!! 

Monday 3 June 2013


Monday, monday, moooonday I hate you so much... #sorrynotsorry!

Hi btw!! My Monday have been so slow and annoying, I woke up with a headache and it's still here and my stomach hurts so much, I can't breath trough my nose and I have a sore throat.. hehe I'm just complaining but I feel so doooown!

I need to rest.

But yeah what I've been doing after school is just sitting in my room with my tea and trying to feel better and stopping my headache (it didn't go away because it's still here)!
And now I'm gonna continue with resting and then take a shower and sleep!! I think I will sleep early today because I just feel terrible.. Peace!

Sunday 2 June 2013

Sunday funday

Sunday funday, not! I'm probably not the only one that gets so stressed on Sundays. Only because it's Monday the next day.. (I think it's therefore) and that I have to prepare all my thing...!

It's only two weeks until I can say good bye to my school that I really don't like!

In these 2 weeks, I have to buy shoes to my dress, something to wear till graduation, (I don't think it's necessary to have clothes that's like wow in that day actually I mean it's just school that's ending, but this time it is me going out 9th grade!!!! haha weird.. never tough I would make it to 9th grade tho) gifts to my mentors, I don't know if I've forgotten something but it feel like it but yeah that's kinda it. And I don't have any money because I've been spending all my money on unnecessary stuff, but thank you Jesus to my dad that said he could buy the things!!! so I don't need to spend more money yay!

Now I'm gonna go and stress over that it's Monday tomorrow! peace!